Cashup Release July 2024
The update adds Wagering and ATM variances to the Review Tab, enhances report downloads, and improves variance tracking. Customer Success Managers can now delete Areas and Tills, with maintenance fixes included.
Review Tab receives welcome boost & Reports to-go
Wagering & ATM variances ready for review.
The Review tab was introduced earlier this year and we can see from our analytics that users are engaged and using this feature
ATM / Keno / TAB variances & Notifications
We are happy to release more coverage for the Review Tab, by including Wagering & ATM variances and relevant notifications. This will further assist Cashup users in understanding the completeness and accuracy of their work and result in cleaner journals requiring less manual intervention by Quantaco teams. Look out for Safe & Office notices, coming soon.
Downloadable reports & visibility over approvals
Our new suite of operational reports will get an additional boost in this release. More reports will be available for download to PDF and greater visibility afforded to Cashup variance acceptance, submission and approval.
PDF Download - POS reports
Having completed most of our operational reporting enhancements, we turn our attention to enhancing the reporting experience with greater utility. This release will introduce a download feature to some of the POS Reports including Classes, Tenders and Variances. The download feature affords customers the flexibility to digest reports on the go, take them into offline meetings and attach them to emails. Quantaco teams will benefit from the ability to attach reports to emails, providing more context than screen shots.
Approvals Report
Accepting variances, submitting and approving Cashups are now captured in our reporting suite. Rather than searching through weeks of approved Cashups and scanning Review Tabs, a concise summary of the team members who have accepted each variance and further submitted and approved Cashups is now available at a few clicks. This report will assist senior team members in understanding the behaviours around Submit & Approve and helping users make changes to variance management.
Customer Configurator enhancements
CC has provided our Customer Success team the tools to accelerate our rollout of Cashup and continues to provide efficiencies. This release introduces more features to increase the autonomy in configuring and maintaining customer tech instances.
Deleting Areas & Tills
Customer Success Managers can now delete Areas and Tills on behalf of Cashup customers. Area and Till historic data will still be available and the UI will still display that Area and Till on dates where it was active. The main benefit of this functionality allows CSMs to help themselves in these instances, rather than draw on Tech resources to assist.
Maintenance and bug fixes.
This release will also deploy fixes to a number of known bugs and maintenance, including:
- All expected rolling balances, will recalculate, even on Approved Cashups
- Safe sign off anomalies
- Duplicate data source mapping issues in CC
- Splitting out banking accounts in journals
- API updates for QInsights integration
- Including Netsuite subsidiary IDs in journals