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Charts view can be used to show total sales and sales per staff hour across different venues, areas and periods.

On the left hand side of the Salesline screen, adjust the filters to change the data used to populate your chart.

The Chart view is comprised of 3 sections

  1. Head level metrics of totals sales and sales per staff hour for the selected period and venues and the percentage variance to the selected comparison period
  2. Graph which depicts sales over time against active staff in 15 minute increments over your specified time period for the areas chosen. Hover the cursor over the chart to drill down for further information.
    • Click and drag the cursor across a range of columns to get more a more detailed representation for sales and staff hour data.
    • Click the home button to return to the original chart view
    • In the Cumulative Sales view the dark blue line shows how we performed for the selected date and the grey line shows performance during the comparison period.
  3. Tables shown at the bottom of the screen to assist with understanding what is underlying the main graph and head level metrics showing sales per staff hour and percentage change per venue, area and class in relation to the selected comparison period.
    • Increase detail of information by clicking on the relevant venue/area or revenue class