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Exporting a report from the Star Compliance app

To download the app for iOS, you can access the Apple store via:

To download the app for Android, you can access the Google Play store via: 

Exporting a Report

Follow the below steps to export to email any report entered into Star Compliance

  1. On the mobile app, select the "Reports" tab in the bottom menu bar. This will take you to the report register.SC - Export 1
  2. Click on the report you'd like to export. In this example, we'll be using the draft Liquor Part A report visible at the top of the report register above. Once you've selected the report, scroll to the bottom. Depending on the status of the report and your user level, you will have the option to submit, approve or export the report. Select "Export Report".SC - Export 2
  3. On the following page, fill in a name for the export and select the file type you'd like to export between PDF or Excel. They are both available in Summary and Complete versions. Enter the email address/es you'd like to send the report to, separated by commas. The email address of the user exporting the report will auto-populate, this can be removed if that user doesn't require the report. Once compete, select "Export"SC - Export 3
  4. The email addresses entered will then receive an email with a download link. Below is an example of a PDF export.