POS Integration
Once POS integration is enabled you will be able to see an Update button on your POS tab.
If sales data exists, you will be able to select this button to import data for the trade day currently in view in Cashup, as it exists in our database.
How Does it Work?
Once a connection has been established, our cloud database will send a request to your POS database every 15 minutes, in search for any new transactions.
When the Update button is selected in Cashup, POS sales data will auto populate against Class & Tender fields, that exists in our cloud database at the time the Update button is selected.
It is important to note, that you should wait until 15 minutes have passed since the last POS transaction, before the Update button in Cashup is selected.
Backdated Transactions
A backdated transaction, is usually performed as a back-office process, where a transaction is recorded in the POS system against a date earlier than when the transaction was actually processed.
An example of this is when an account payment is processed against an earlier date to match the payment date received via direct deposit etc.
Backdated transactions:
- are not automatically updated in Cashup.
- should not exceed the current trading week.
- backdated cash transactions are not currently supported.
Any backdated transactions will require the user to navigate to the trading date in Cashup that the transaction has been captured against at POS, within the current trade week, and select Update to repopulate fields with the updated data.
When you do this, rest assured your Cash Count fields will stay populated as they were.
You will need to make sure the day's data is in a state of Unsubmit before triggering the Update.
If your backdated transaction/s still do not appear, please ensure you have waited 15 minutes since the transaction was processed, before selecting Update.
An overring occurs when a point-of-sale operator enters a transaction incorrectly and then voids or reverses it to correct the mistake.
- Overrings need to be processed in the same trade period as the original transaction.
- If overrings occur after updating Cashup, the overring is not automatically updated in Cashup. (POS will need to be updated again)
Fequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What happens when a new sales class or tender is added to the point-of-sale system?
Cashup doesn't automatically create new sales classes or tenders in Cashup; if a new class or tender is added to the point-of-sale system a ticket will need to be raised to have the fields configured & mapped.